Photo by: Derek Doar
Nottingham & Notts Photographic Society
NNPS Internal Competitions

Best Image of Each Internal Competition Round
Amazon Voucher Award
4 Print Rounds
5 PDI Rounds

In each competition round, the judge will select what he/she considers the overall best image in the competition and the person who submitted this image will be awarded an Amazon voucher.

This new Amazon Voucher award, means that in each Internal Competition round, there is always a chance to win an award, irrespective of how you have done in previous rounds.

Print Entry submissions

Print Entries are entered by submitting a Jpeg image of your print On-line at

The Jpeg image that you submit needs to be the same as if you were submitting a Projected image File for competition.

If you create a folder to put all your Print jpeg copies in, it will make it easier to submit the jpegs with your entry.

By submitting projected image sized jpegs with your entry, you will enable everyone to see a gallery of what prints were entered after the competition.

Also by submitting a projected image sized jpeg of each print with your entry, you will in effect be keeping a visual copy of your print entries.


Projected Image submissions
Images must be as follows

(a) File must be = 8 bit JPEG
(b) Colour Profile = sRGB

(c) Max image width = 1600 pixels
(d) Max image height = 1200 pixels

The Competition Forms, Rules and Results are as .pdf files
If your computer cannot read .pdf files, download Adobe's free
PDF Reader
(by clicking the
Get Adobe Reader Logo)


Laurence Bourne
Challenge Trophy
(Tuesday 20th May 2025)

This new challenge trophy was created in memory of former NNPS member
Laurence (Laurie) Bourne.

This is a PDI competition.

The set subject for the 2024 / 2025 season is: REFLECTIONS
Please note:

Images that have been used in previous NNPS competitions are eligible
and can be used again in this competition.

Up to 2 PDI's per person can be submitted.

Peter Henson Trophy

(Tuesday 20th May 2025)

This new trophy was created in memory of former NNPS member
Peter Henson.

This is a PDI competition.

The set subject for this trophy is always: TRAVEL
Please note:

Images that have been used in previous NNPS competitions are eligible
and can be used again in this competition.

Up to 2 PDI's per person can be submitted.

NNPS Competition Results can be viewed
by logging onto the PhotoEntry Website

Competition Winning Images of the 2024-2025 season

Click the appropriate button below, to see the top images
(Buttons only work if there are results to view)

Projected Image
Projected Images Only


Projected Image Competitions – Digital Files:

These notes should be read in conjunction with the guidance:
CONVERTING IMAGES FOR PROJECTION (See the button at the top of the page)

All Digital Images to be entered On-Line at

Image files should conform to the following requirements:
Images saved in best quality JPEG. with an sRGB Colorspace.

Digital Image Size:
Width: A maximum of 1600 pixels.
Height: A maximum of 1200 pixels.

The Competition Secretary will check that the following conventions are complied with:-

1. Are the images all JPEGs;

2. Check that the size of all images does not exceed 1600 x 1200 pixels or the software will not accept the image.

3. The photographer is a member of NNPS.

• If all these criteria are met then the images are eligible for judging and we wish you success in the competition.

• If the above criteria are not met then the computer software will not project it. You have been warned!!!

* * * Please check before you submit your entries * * *
If anyone has any doubts or concerns, please contact Ian Taylor.
Internal Competitions Winners 2023 - 2024



Colour PDI (Advanced)

Ken Wade

Mono PDI (Advanced)

Derek Doar
Nature PDI (Advanced) Philip Kirk
Colour PDI (Intermediate) Treva O‘Brien
Mono PDI (Intermediate) Treva O‘Brien
Nature PDI (Intermediate) Treva O‘Brien
Colour PRINT (Advanced) Derek Doar
Mono PRINT (Advanced) Dave Jones
Nature PRINT (Advanced) Philip Kirk
Colour PRINT (Intermediate) David Colyer
Mono PRINT (Intermediate) Treva O‘Brien
Nature PRINT (Intermediate) Karen Higton
The Peter Henson Trophy
Kevin Lane
The Laurie Bourne Trophy
Geraldine Curtis
Mobile Phone Competition Philip Kirk

The Most Improved Photograper of the Year Trophy

This was awarded to



The entrants below receive an engraved NNPS whisky glass for the Judge's overall winner (2023 - 2024)

PDI Competitions Judge's overall winner
PDI Round 1 (Advanced)

Anne Haile

PDI Round 2 (Advanced)

Dave Gilbert

PDI Round 3 (Advanced) Dave Jones
PDI Round 4 (Advanced) Derek Doar
PDI Round 1 (Intermediate) Caron Swinscoe
PDI Round 2 (Intermediate) Nick Barber
PDI Round 3 (Intermediate) Treva O'Brien
PDI Round 4 (Intermediate) Treva O'Brien
PRINT Competitions Judge's overall winner
PRINT Round 1 (Advanced) Mallory Mercer
PRINT Round 2 (Advanced) Derek Doar
PRINT Round 3 (Advanced) Phil Kirk
PRINT Round 4 (Advanced) Mallory Mercer
PRINT Round 1 (Intermediate) Treva O'Brien
PRINT Round 2 (Intermediate) Treva O'Brien
PRINT Round 3 (Intermediate) David Colyer
PRINT Round 4 (Intermediate) Karen Higton