Photo by: Derek Doar
Nottingham & Notts Photographic Society
Programme 2024 - 2025
The Cost Of Membership is £60
Student Membership is £15
Visitors are welcome
The charge for a visitor on the door is £5 per evening
Meetings start at 7.30 pm but doors open at 7.00 pm giving members the opportunity to socialize before the meeting starts.
There will be a tea break approx 8.20pm until 8.40pm and the evening will conclude approx. 9.30pm.

Some of the programme lectures will be via Zoom and NNPS Members will be sent a link to the Lecture.
18th Feb
Zoom (hall closed)
"Bringing Your Images To Life"

Michael Pilkington FRPS

Do you want to discover a unique, simple and effective approach to editing images (that would be applicable to all genres of photography)?
Time and time again people marvel at how you can produce images with impact using uncomplicated techniques.
Good editing is the difference between a good photo and a great photo.
This talk will explore how you interpret your digital raw file and set about recovering the light and bringing your images to life.

25th Feb
"Creative Portraiture"

Heather Burns

(Triple Master Craftsman with the Guild of Photographers)

Portrait photography is a genre that allows you to capture the essence of your subjects.
However, sometimes it's fun to think outside the box and create portraits with a twist.
During the evening we will be looking at portraits in a number of genres including Music, Promotion, Location and Studio.
We will look at lighting your subject with both natural light and off camera flash, we will explore story telling in images and how simple edits can give your portraits depth and interest.

With lots of before and afters illustrating straight out of camera and simple edits to highly edited images with layers and textures, I hope the evening will ignite your own imagination to have a go at creating your own unique and beautiful portraits.

4th Mar
Zoom (hall closed)
"Minimalism in photography"

Tony Worobiec FRPS

This presentation firstly aims to define Minimalism, but then encourages the audience to consider other alternatives to the more traditional views of composition.

11th Mar
PDI Competition (Round 4)

Judge: Steve Myall EFIAP BPE5

Maximum Entries to Submit
Nature 2
Colour 1
Mono 1
18th Mar
"UnderWater Photography"

Jack Perks

Jack once again returns to visit us in person.
He is a professional nature photographer based in Nottinghamshire having worked for many BBC nature programmes, written various books, runs photo workshops and talks all over the country. His passion is wildlife and mostly known for his underwater work with freshwater fish.

Exploring the world of underwater photography Jack talks about the techniques, his career over he past decade and challenges of photographing wildlife underwater.

25th Mar

Annual Exhibition 2024 Prints acceptances

As usual, Audio visual has been put together by Ashley Franklin and Jim Hartje, so we are in for an enjoyable evening.

1st Apr
"Ancient Trees & Woodland"

Andy Sands APAGB

A talk about Ancient Trees & Woodland, we shall explore some Ancient trees their history and importance to nature.
We will also have an overview of woodland the geographical features and evidence of what is a wood and what the history was, we will look at the management of woodland and also the birds, mammals, insects, fungi etc associated with well managed and ancient woodland.

I can assure you that participants will go away and look at their local woodland in a whole new light after the talk.

Weasel   Goshawk
Ancient Hornbeams   Wood Anenome and Oxslip
Purple Emperor   Andy in the woods
8th Apr
Print Competition (Round 4)

Judge: Roy Maddison LETTERS

15th Apr
AV Evening

Members get the chance to show their AV's tonight

22nd Apr
"Wider World of Photography Part 2"

Ashley Franklin ARPS, APAGB, BPE2*

More fascinating imagery beyond the pictorial camera club world, exploring the history, style and impact of aerial, advertising, landscape, sport, and science and nature photography, plus an insight into the controversial world of photo art.
Includes the work of Ansel Adams, Eamon McCabe, Marc Aspland, Yann Arthus Bertrand, John Blakemore, Elliott Erwitt, Stephen Dalton, Michael Kenna, Michael Levin, Frans Lanting, Lennart Nilsson and Andreas Gursky.
An evening of iconic, inspiring and thought-provoking photography.

29th Apr
Mobile Phone Competition


You can enter up to a maximum of 2 images

6th May
Zoom (hall closed)
"A Visual Signature"

Andy Phillips

This beautiful presentation showcases some of my images from Scotland, area by area.
I also show how I achieve composition and develop observational skills.

Within the presentation, there are also three stunning videos. Six months in the making, and a feast for the eyes.

13th May
A practical evening of insect photography

Marlies Chell LETTERS

Back by popular request, Marlies will be bringing an assortment of insects tonight for you to photograph.

20th May
The Laurie Bourne Trophy & The Peter Henson Trophy

Judge: Steffan Nicholson

The Laurie Bourne Trophy subject is "REFLECTIONS" (PDI)

The Peter Henson subject is "TRAVEL" (PDI)

You can enter up to a maximum of 2 images in each competition

27th May
PDI Competition (Round 5)

Judge: TBC

Maximum Entries to Submit
Nature 1
Colour 2
Mono 1
3rd Jun 2025
"On The Edge Part 3"

Derek Doar/Chris Newham/Ian Pinn

More adventures and surprises from our intrepid Landscape/Travel team

Highland Cattle Road Block (Isle of Mull)
(Derek Doar)
Memories at Sunrise - North Boisdale War Graves, South Uist
(Derek Doar)
(Chris Newham)
(Chris Newham)
(Ian Pinn)
(Ian Pinn)
Derek Doar Chris Newham Ian Pinn
10th Jun

AGM and Presentations

Please attend the AGM and have your say in the running of your NNPS.